That viciousness
Spits out gusts of lascivious signals
Rending the faithful
Crushing cathedrals
Under gravities that built the muscles of
Hatreds blind and merciless
Cleaving across the terrain of the Real
Seeking always strategies to congeal
Some kind of synthesis
In the face of a reality
That permits no deadspace, no margin
No exit from hegemony global
Where only the local
Exists at the edge of the dipole
Fringes profane wreathed in stealth darkness
At the edge of the sun
Waiting always eternal
For the cycles of capital
To unhinge and shift off
Into a stable oblivion
That the acceleration
Brings forth tides of commensurate dignification
Tools materials distributed
Noumenal Weapons Unlimited
All autarkies bent to the will
Of fractal new becomings
Inverting, converging, proliferating
Under ten thousand virile suns
Becoming as one
Against drifts of selective traversal
No universals
Only intention
Only ascension
Considerations on impinging futurities, bladed potentialities, and Satanic technocapitalisim.
Contents: misc. archival industrial images / West Virginian extractivism / elements of USGS Santa Maria 1907 survey / hellsnuff graphixx / crystal oscillators / anime girls / Wojaks / monkes / manuscript illuminations authored by deep future post-collapse priests / &etc.